Thursday, 9 August 2007

Greatcoats (of fire)!

It's that time again!
These last two days I've been working on a greatcoat design, and have come up with a collection of four vendors to suit most of your great coat needs. These follow the authentic formal style, and have several prim belts and fastenings for added 'weight', along with a nicely flowing flexi coat bottom. As ever, I'm more than happy to do different designs, colours and provide in-game demonstrations on request, if you simply IM me (Vincente Shepherd) the details.

I would like to announce also at this time that I am now doing custom fittings in store, in the light of a large variety of different sizes among you Gaslighters! If you have a garment that doesn't fit, simply send me a copy of your avatar shape/size in game, let me know which item you need resizing, and I'll get it done for you as soon as humanly possible!